Whether you’re a factory that has been making and selling preserves for years or you’re just trying your hand at a new potential hobby, custom jar labels are a great way to flaunt your creations. With summer only a few months away its not too early to start thinking about how you’re going to brand your jars. Summer is a popular time for preserve makers, as tons of berries and fruits are in season and ready to be turned into delicious toast and dessert toppers. Custom labels can boast the magnificent flavours your jarred products contain. Other food products like pickles also deserve to be embellished with attractive and informative packaging. While custom jar labels are a great solution for businesses aimed at reaching new consumers, they’re also a fun way to add a little personality to events or to personalize your homemade preserves. For more information visit www.jarlabels.co.uk , alternatively you can phone 0845 222 0354 or you can email the us at: sales@jarlabels.co.uk