Crafting the perfect label is a detail-rich task, as this can elevate the brand and establish the product as something enthusiasts really want to purchase. Below are two examples of different label designs for inspiration.
These labels for Jasats Halal pies who produce range of halal food products, ranging from pasties, sausage rolls and samosas, these labels were printed with a special gold ink and an over printable varnish that allows Jasat’s to print their own information on the label. Using the special gold ink sets off the label design and adds a real touch of class to the packaging of the product and emphasises the premium quality of the Jasat’s range.
Where here is a label printed for Raw Press which is a cold-pressed juice bar and café specialising in organic produce. This label is more about the minimalistic look, printed using a synthetic material for that no label look. The design of this label really adds a modern touch to the products packaging whilst maintaining brand visibility.