If you need synthetic labels but are not sure on what type will suit your requirements, etiquette offers a wide variety of synthetic labels.
Polyethylene can be provided in white, transparent, and silver which is ideal for conformable packaging. Etiquette provides polyethylene labels that perform to the highest standards, whilst keeping shape and appearance on flexible packaging. If you require something something more durable then Polypropylene could be the material you need for your labels. Polypropylene has a high tolerance for resistance against moisture and chemicals. This type of label can be used on household products and can also be used as a clear label for the no-label look in addition to being very luxurious and resistant. If you require longevity in harsh conditions, look no further than polyester for the ultimate in synthetic label. Polyester labels can survive in the toughest environments and can be used on car engines, as appliances labels and on other products with a requirement to with stand harsher conditions than a standard material.
If you need more help in deciding on what labels are right for you then contact Etiquette on 0845 222 0354 or you can email the Sales Team at: sales@etiquette.co.uk